Awkward Bean

Get to Know the Writer behind
The Awkward Bean
A Life in Words
Writing has never been optional for Nuria (N.A. Moore). Like eating and breathing, it’s something integral to their existence. Every day they are thankful to be able to make a career from something that brings them so much pleasure.
Nuria has always been passionate about writing and storytelling and describes themselves as someone who loves exploring different themes and motifs. As part of their writing process, they love immersing themselves in their projects—diving headfirst into the research, production, and fine-tuning of the stories they feel are the most worthy of telling.
It wasn’t easy to take the leap and self-publish. Fortunately, their dedicated online readers saw their potential and encouraged them. Taking a dream and making it tangible was the beginning of the first chapter of their professional literary life. Since then, Nuria has published a number of books under the penname N.A. Moore.